What is International Maritime Organization (IMO)?
- 26 April 2017
- Posted by: Stm Coatech
- Category: Educational Articles
What is International Maritime Organization (IMO)?
Every development in world history takes place because of a factor or factors that may come about with time and the establishment of the International maritime organization, IMO, was no different. Of the various industries that have been flourishing around the world ‘Shipping’ can be considered as truly an international industry. This is because it serves more than 90% of the world’s trade by the cargo transportation and other merchant ships that do so cleanly and cost effectively. As a result, any particular ship can be governed by a management chain that spans many countries, also these ships spend most of their times at sea between various jurisdictions. Therefore, it was felt in the beginning of the last century that there was a need of a universal governing body that in turn laid down rules and standards to regulate the shipping process and the industry worldwide. Thus the International maritime organization came into being.
The first international treaty of any kind between nations can be traced back to the treaty of ‘safety of life at sea’ – SOLAS, which was adopted by a few nations, post the disaster of Titanic. Though the IMO was established in 1948 in Geneva, it was not enforced until 1959 at a meeting held at London, its headquarters.
The main mission and responsibility of the International maritime organization, is to develop and preserve a comprehensive framework of regulations and policies for the shipping industry and its activities like maritime security, safety, technical co operation, environmental concerns and legal matters. IMO has been successfully disposing this task since its inception with the specialized committees and sub committees at the headquarters. The sessions of these committees are attended by numerous delegates and experts from the member countries and also by non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations.
The governing body of the IMO is an assembly that meets bi-yearly. The assembly comprises of all the member states. In the intervening time between the Assembly sessions a council acts as the governing body. This council comprises of 40 member states who are elected by the assembly for a specified period of time. The committees of various tasks and duties mentioned above are also governed and observed by these governing bodies. The secretariat has a work force of over 300 headed by the Secretary General. The Secretary General is elected by the Assembly and holds his post for duration of 4 years.
The major areas of concern which the International maritime organization, has been able to bring under regulation have been prevention of accidents, setting up safety standards for ships and other vessels (including design and materials) for the member states to abide by, maintaining adherence to the established treaties of safety and security, prevention of pollution and other avoidable human disasters. IMO also facilitates technical co-operation among member states, setting up an audition and monitoring scheme for these rules, standards and finally monitoring liabilities and compensation in case of breach of any of these regulations.
Thus, the International maritime organization is playing a very crucial role in the modern society’s progress towards a better and healthy commercial and transportation environment.
IMO Structure
The work of the IMO is carried out by the IMO Secretariat, Member States, IGOs, and NGOs. The daily operations of the IMO, including meeting coordination and preparation, is conducted by the IMO Secretariat, led by the Secretary-General and assisted by a staff of 300 international civil servants. The Member States, IGOs, and NGOs are represented at the IMO during the various IMO meetings (Assembly, Council, 5 Committees, and 7 Sub-Committees). Each Member State has a delegation that consists of the Head of Delegation and advisors.
To find out more about the IMO and how Coast Guard is involved, use the hyperlinked titles (below) or the navigation bar to the left. Each individual page contains:
-a brief summary of the particular body of the IMO
-final reports from previous meetings
-additional documentation and contact information
A complete schedule of IMO meetings is listed in the PDF file; IMO Meeting Schedule.
The Assembly is the highest Governing Body of the IMO. It consists of all Member States and it meets once every two years in regular sessions. The Assembly is responsible for approving the work program, voting the budget and electing the Council.
The Council is the Executive Organ of the IMO and is responsible, under the Assembly, for supervising the work of the Organization. Between sessions of the Assembly, the Council performs all the functions of the Assembly, except the function of making recommendations to Governments on maritime safety and pollution prevention.
The five policy-making Committees are responsible for the development, review, updating, and approval of the organization’s guidelines and regulations. The Committees report to the Council and Assembly on the status of their Committee and respective Sub-Committees.
The work of the five Committees is described by their titles, as follows:
- Facilitation Committee (FAL)
- Legal Committee (LEG)
- Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)
- Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
- Technical Co-operation Committee (TC)
The seven technical Sub-Committees support the work of the five policy-making Committees. The Sub-Committees are under the direct instructions of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).
The work of the seven Sub-Committees is described by their titles, as follows:
- Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC)
- Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW)
- Implementation of IMO Instruments (III)
- Navigation, Radio-communication and Search & Rescue (NCSR)
- Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR)
- Ship Design and Construction (SDC)
- Ship Systems & Equipment (SSE)
Marine In Sight,What Is International Maritime Organization,Erişim Tarihi: 24 Nisan 2017, http://www.marineinsight.com/maritime-law/what-is-international-maritime-organization-imo/
United States Coast Guard,USCG IMO,Erişim Tarihi:24 Nisan 2017, https://www.uscg.mil/imo/
IMO‘nun yönetim organı, iki yılda bir toplanan bir meclisdir. Meclis tüm üye devletlerden oluşur. Meclis oturumları arasındaki müdahale zamanında bir meclis, yönetim organı görevi görür. Bu konsey, belli bir süre için Meclis tarafından seçilen 40 üye devletten oluşur. Yukarıda belirtilen çeşitli görev ve görev komiteleri de bu yönetim organları tarafından yönetilmekte ve gözlemlenmektedir. Sekretarya, Genel Sekreter’in başında 300’ün üzerinde bir çalışma gücüne sahiptir. Genel Sekreter, Meclis tarafından seçilir ve görev süresini 4 yıl sürdürür.
Uluslararası deniz organizasyonunun düzenlemeye getirebileceği başlıca kaygı alanları, kazaların önlenmesi, gemilere (tasarım ve malzemeler dahil) güvenlik standartlarının oluşturulması ve üye ülkeler için uymayı sürdürmek, güvenlik ve güvenlikle ilgili belirlenmiş anlaşmalar, kirliliğin önlenmesi ve diğer kaçınılabilir insan felaketleri. IMO ayrıca üye devletler arasındaki teknik işbirliğini kolaylaştırarak bu kurallar, standartlar için bir denetleme ve izleme planı hazırlar ve nihayetinde bu düzenlemelerin herhangi birinin ihlali durumunda yükümlülükleri ve tazminatları izler.
ABS, 1960’lardan beri vakum biriktirme ve elektro kaplama için substrat olarak yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Malzeme nispeten ucuzdur ve kolayca enjeksiyonla kalıplanabilir, ancak parçanın doğrudan maruz kaldığı veya açık bir mercek içinden bakıldığı çoğu uygulama için, vakum biriktirmeden önce allık ve akış hatlarının yüzeyini düzeltmek için bir baz kaplama (boya) gerekli olmuştur. Elektrolize edilecek olan bileşenler için daha pahalı bir kaplama sınıfı ABS kullanılır. PVD işlemi, doğrudan kaplanabilen malzemeleri içerir: Polikarbonat karışımları, poliamid, polieterimit, polibutilen tereftalat, polistiren ve diğerleri.
Böylece, Uluslararası deniz organizasyonu, modern toplumun daha iyi ve sağlıklı bir ticaret ve ulaşım ortamına doğru ilerlemesinde çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.
Bu makalede, PVD teknolojisine, otomotiv ve ev aletleri endüstrilerindeki polimerik malzemelere uygulanmasına özel bir önem verilerek, maliyet düşürme ve parçaların yüzey modifikasyonu etrafında iyileştirilmiş kalitesine vurgu yapılmaktadır.